The Nippon Sei Ko Kai, the Anglican Communion in Japan celebrated its 150th Anniversary at St. Mary Catholic Cathedral of Tokyo Archdiocese on September 23, 2009.
All bishops of Nippon Sei Ko Kai, Rev. Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury and Rev. Katherine Jefferts Schori, the Primate of the Episcopalian Church in the United States came to this event as well as bishops in the other countries and areas including Australia, Canada, Burma, Hong Kong, and Korea.
It was very disturbing to see these bishops cerebrating the Communion at the Catholic Cathedral. Since the Pope Leo XIII issued the encyclical "Apostolicae Curae et Caritatis", the ordinations in the Anglican Church have been recognized as invalid. Moreover, the Episcopalian Church in the United States now supports abortion and homosexuality and its Primate is a former Catholic, to say more precisely, an apostate.
The trend in Nippon Sei Ko Kai is very similar to those in other liberal Anglican Churches. In some diocese, there are woman priests and the Anglican bishops are generous to homosexuality.
There was no announcement or information at all from Tokyo Archdiocese about this ceremony. I learned this for the first time about a few months ago on the website "
CHRISTIAN TODAY" in Japanese. It is very mean to hide Catholics the fact that Anglicans use the Catholic Cathedral for their own purpose.
During the ceremony, there was a time for introduction of guest including two Catholic clergies who is very eager to ecumenical activities with Anglicans. Both the Archbishop and the Auxiliary Bishop of Tokyo Archdiocese did not attend perhaps to avoid criticism.
The Catholic Church in Japan is recently very cooperative with Anglicans in liturgical "reforms". For example, Both Catholics and Anglicans now use the same form of "Our father". Bishops and priests are more and more acting as if there were no difference between them.
The Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.
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